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Professor Benedict Michael MBChB (Hons), MRCP, PhD

VICE CHAIR OF THE SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY PANEL - Reader and MRC Clinician Scientist at The NIHR Health Protection Research Unit for Emerging and Zoonotic Infection and an Honorary Consultant Neurologist at The Walton Centre.

Professor Benedict Michael is a Reader and MRC Clinician Scientist at The NIHR Health Protection Research Unit for Emerging and Zoonotic Infection and an Honorary Consultant Neurologist at The Walton Centre. He completed Post-Doctoral Training at the Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Disease, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School where he has developed an intravital microscopy model of viral encephalitis to image leucocyte migration into the brain in real-time. He has received The Liversage Award for Neurology and The British Medical Association Vera Down Award for Neuroscience. For his neurological education work in Africa, he is a Honorary Faculty for the Royal College of Physicians and his team were The 2020 Finalists for the Royal College Awards for Excellence in Education.

Benedict is Vice Chair of Encephalitis International’s Scientific Advisory Panel and a Scientific Advisor to the Meningitis Research Foundation. He has worked as a Royal College of Physicians Faculty Tutor in West Africa and with the NIHR to promote Patient and Public Engagement in research.

Professor Michael is currently co-Chairing the World Health Organisation (WHO) – Commissioned Task Force on Acute Clinical Care for Neurological complications of COVID-19. He is currently leading the National Surveillance Programme for Neurological Complications of COVID-19, CoroNerve, for the University as part of the Study Management Group (with the universities of Newcastle, Southampton, and UCL), in collaboration with the Association of British Neurologists, British Paediatric Neurology Association, British Association of Stroke Physicians, Royal College of Psychiatry, The NeuroAnaesthesia and Critical Care Society, and other key stakeholders.

Page Created: 15 November 2023
Last Modified: 29 November 2023
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