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Unveiling the Global Vision of Encephalitis International 

After extensive collaboration with our key stakeholders, we are thrilled to unveil a significant chapter in our journey. We have renamed our non-profit organisation to Encephalitis International; a strategic evolution that mirrors our renewed commitment to saving lives on a global scale.  

Understanding the Urgency

The emergence of new pathogens, or existent pathogens in new areas, that can cause infectious encephalitis and an increase in the identification of autoimmune encephalitis worldwide has compelled us to recalibrate our focus and expand our horizons.

Vision and Mission Redefined

Our vision is bold yet simple: A world without death and disability from encephalitis.   

Our mission is to rebuild futures around the world by saving lives, accelerate awareness and drive research.

Through this strategic evolution, we are poised to make a lasting impact on the lives of those affected by this often-devastating condition. Encephalitis International, a name that encapsulates our broader, more inclusive mission.

A Global Approach 

Encephalitis International is not confined by borders. Our objectives serve as guiding principles, shaping our endeavours on the global stage:  

EDUCATE: We aim to empower healthcare professionals with the knowledge to prevent and manage encephalitis effectively, ultimately improving patient outcomes.  

EMPOWER: We strive to empower individuals affected by encephalitis, providing them with the support and resources needed to rebuild their lives.  

EXPAND: Encephalitis International seeks to expand global scientific and medical understanding regarding the prevention, treatment, and impact of encephalitis. Through collaboration and knowledge-sharing, we can break new ground in the field.  

ELEVATE:  By elevating our reach, we aspire to touch the lives of more people internationally, fostering a sense of community and support.  

EQUIP: Generating income to equip ourselves to deliver our vision effectively, enabling us to invest in ground-breaking research, innovative treatments, and comprehensive support systems.  

Encephalitis International invites you to join us in our strategic evolution. Together, we can create a world where encephalitis no longer robs individuals of their lives and futures. With a united global effort, we are confident that our new vision and mission will be a beacon of hope and healing for all those impacted by encephalitis. 

Page Created: 11 December 2023
Last Modified: 12 December 2023
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