Research Strategy
Priority areas in research into encephalitis
Increasingly we recognise the additional challenges of emerging infections, with specific geographical variation. Therefore, we are keen to support research which makes diagnosis quicker and more specific, particularly with relevance to these emerging and future challenges, and to disseminate new knowledge effectively. We are also be interested in research that explores correlations between delays in diagnosis, treatment and outcome/levels of disability.
Treatments are often limited in infectious aetiologies of encephalitis and we know from experience with COVID-19 that sometimes widely available treatments (for example dexamethasone), can be very effective in reducing symptoms, although we know little about the longer term benefits. We are interested in supporting research that explores the use of repurposing existing medications or the identification of targets for novel immunomodulatory agents in both infectious and autoimmune causes of encephalitis, along with their effects, not only during the acute stages but thereafter during rehabilitation.
These aims will require the establishment of fuller registries and clinical trial platforms/networks in encephalitis to support specific studies and trials in the future.
Recovery and rehabilitation
There is currently very little good quality research on outcomes from encephalitis.
Research into the recovery and rehabilitation of patients who have had encephalitis has been limited. We know little about patient recovery pathways, which forms of rehabilitation are more effective, what rehabilitation services are being offered to patients following encephalitis, what are the most effective
interventions in maximising people’s clinical outcomes and quality of life and when should rehabilitation begin.
In addition to cognitive and physical outcomes, research that explores behavioural, mental health and social outcomes are much needed. This should include-patient derived input to inform outcome metrics.
Use of animals in medical research
Encephalitis International supports the position of the Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) on the issue of using animals in research.
Encephalitis International will only consider funding applications for research that tests on animals on a case-by-case basis, where there is evidence of no other model or known alternative, and only for studies being conducted in the UK.
Encephalitis International uses expert peer-review to ensure that we fund only high-quality research where the benefits to people and animal health outweigh any harms to animals.
Encephalitis International funds research which complies with UK regulation and support the principle of the AMRC of 3Rs to replace, reduce and refine the use of animals in research.
Encephalitis International wishes to actively support research which is working toward eradicating the need for animal testing and will always choose to fund studies that do not test on animals over and above equivalent studies that do.
International research seed funding
Call for application closed.
Deadline: 30th September 2023
We are inviting applications for our Encephalitis 2023- International Research Seed Funding.
Researchers can apply for up to £10,000 in seed funding for a project specific on encephalitis in Europe with a duration of up to 18 months.
The fund is open to applicants from Europe and to all levels from medical students, junior doctors and early researchers, those returning to research to post-doctoral research or equivalent professional experience.
The following video offers some hints and tips on how to apply for our seed funding grant:
If you would like to apply, please complete the Application Form and the Diversity Form and send them to
If you would like more information about our Research Strategy, what we fund and the review process please visit the web page Apply for a grant.
If you would like information on previous funders, please visit our Seed Fund Grant page.
For more information on our Scientific Advisory Panel, please visit Our Scientific Advisory Panel.

Apply for a grant
Encephalitis International is very active in the field of research by taking part in research, collaborating with researchers and making grants and awards.
Grants available